[pydotorg-www] Poll about -h,--help options

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Feb 18 16:10:01 CET 2013

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 1:40 AM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it interesting to know if people expect -h to work as a --help equivalent
> by default?
> As it directly affects best practices of using Python in command line, can
> we run such poll on python.org? I thought that this stuff is obvious, but it
> appears that it is not, so I'd like to see this usability study - it will be
> interesting for the Python community to know itself better.

This seems an odd thing for a poll on python.org.   I suspect you will
not get good data.

Whey you say "if people expect"  what people?    Python developers,
users of tools written in Python?   sysadmins and other CLI savyusers?

Given argparse and optparse expose both -h and --help by default,  I
would expect the Python community to expect that.  This is why I think
your data would be skewed.

Unless this is what you are testing for.

Carl K

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