[pydotorg-www] Adding User Group Calendar to home page

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Feb 5 16:57:41 CET 2013

On 18.01.2013 10:41, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 18.01.2013 10:15, Mike Müller wrote:
>> Am 16.01.13 16:37, schrieb M.-A. Lemburg:
>>> On 16.01.2013 16:33, mmueller at python-academy.de wrote:
>>>> Hi web team,
>>>> Since the dates of Python events are split between the events calendar and the user group
>>>> group calendar it makes sense to add both to the python.org home page.
>>>> While the events calendar appears in left column, the user group calendar does not.
>>>> It would be nice to have the user group calendar there, just below and in the same style.
>>>> This is the link for the iframe
>>>> "https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=3haig2m9msslkpf2tn1h56nn9g%40group.calendar.google.com"
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> this was done on purpose, since we first wanted to see whether the
>>> user events clutter up the calendar too much. That doesn't appear to be
>>> the case, so it may be a good idea to add it as extra calendar box on the
>>> sidebar.
>> Good. I would like to add more user group events and invite others to
>> submit theirs. Right now I cannot find a link from the python.org site
>> anywhere. I think I need to supply such link to encourage people to add
>> an event. Of course, the link was on the a wiki page. But having it from
>> other places too might not be that bad an idea.
> Are you looking for this ?
> http://pycon.org/#calendar
>> Regarding clutter, one of the intentions of having two different calendars
>> for conference-like events and user group meetings was to prevent clutter.
>> The way the box is set up, it shows only the most recent events. Therefore,
>> the worst that can happen that you see only events that are today because
>> there are so many of them. You need to click on the box anyway to see more
>> details.
> True. I can add the new box next week.

I've added the box now. The next site rebuild should make the
change visible.

David, could you perhaps trigger a site rebuild ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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