[pydotorg-www] Removing /moin/ suffix from wiki.python.org (Was: Internal Server Error while reverting spam)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Jan 6 11:06:41 CET 2012

Martijn Pieters wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 19:38 , M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> What is a "bus factor" ?
> From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor:
> In software development, a software project's bus factor is a measurement of the concentration of information in individual team members. The bus factor is the total number of key developers who would need to be incapacitated (as by getting hit by a bus) to send the project into such disarray that it would not be able to proceed; the project would retain information (such as source code)  with which no remaining team member is familiar. A high bus factor means that many developers would need to be removed before the project would necessarily fail.

Thanks for the explanation.

Regarding the context we're discussing here: I'm not really sure
why a higher "bus factor" can be used to warrant unnecessary
complication. If that were so, Python would by now resemble APL ;-)

If Anatoly can come up with a working configuration that doesn't
require sub domain management, more virtual servers or moving to nginx
in order to support more than one wiki, I'd be +0 on the change.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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