[pydotorg-www] PSF Contributor form

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Apr 22 07:08:32 CEST 2012

Am 22.04.2012 01:02, schrieb Mats Wichmann:
> As an employee of a "large corporation", I'll observe that the problem
> with contributor forms is once you have to sign one, the lawyer has to
> get involved.  Once the lawyer has to get involved, life WILL get
> complicated. 

Tough luck. Then you just can't contribute to Python. I'm serious about
this: if your company's lawyer is not happy that you essentially give
all rights of your contribution to the PSF, then the PSF cannot use your
contribution. The risk is too high that the lawyer finds out at some
point and claims that your company has rights to Python. That's
*exactly* one of the reasons to have contributor forms: to get the
employer of a contributor to explicitly acknowledge that it is ok to
contribute (assuming the employer has rights over the contribution).


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