[pydotorg-www] VM side (Was: State of the infrastructure project)

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 12:53:28 CEST 2011

About VM side.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Noah Kantrowitz <noah at coderanger.net> wrote:
> On the VM side, there is still an open question about who will be managing things. Some want to see a full-time sysadmin(s) retained by the PSF to manage and maintain the individual VMs, but I don't think there is any agreement yet on that front. For now I am running under the assumption that we will be managing these systems via Chef on a volunteer basis.

First, can you post a link to this infrastructure project? I hope it's
not a leak, and I can read somewhere a problem description for VM
side. Right now I am trying Bcfg2 for configuration management and so
far guys were very responsive to answer questions and fix things. ISTM
that Python based software has better chances to survive and receive
needed tweaks (although it won't hurt to get some Ruby experience to
make Python better).

anatoly t.

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