[pydotorg-www] [Pydotorg] SPF records for python.org

Patrick Ben Koetter p at python.org
Thu Feb 3 23:27:21 CET 2011

* Michael Foord <mfoord at python.org>:
> Hah, you rock. Now I need to change all the subscriptions from
> mfoord to michael.
> I don't *use* PGP, so I don't currently have a PGP signature (I used
> to have the PGP extension for Thunderbird but it caused Thunderbird
> to grind to a halt whenever I received a signed message).

What's your login on mail.python.org? I can put the credentials in your $HOME.

> I send email via a webfaction smtp server that isn't under my
> control (which is why I use it - so I *don't* have to administer
> it). Can I just send emails from python.org using the python.org
> smtp server directly?

Yep. That's what me built it for in the first. ;)

p at rick

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