[pydotorg-www] Board Resolutions from April through June 2011 Board Meetings

Doug Hellmann doug.hellmann at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 00:56:15 CEST 2011

This is done. Please review the page and make sure I didn't make any mistakes copying and pasting the text into the appropriate page.


On Aug 9, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Pat Campbell wrote:

> Hi pydotorg team:
> Could you please add the following board resolutions from
> the April through June 2011 board meeting to this web page:
> http://www.python.org/psf/records/board/resolutions/   
> Please see list of board resolutions to be added below:
> **RESOLVED**, that Jesse Noller is appointed the office of PyCon chair
>  for the years 2012 and 2013.
> Approved 10-0-1 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PyCon 2012/13 chair, Jesse Noller, is authorized
> to sign the hotel contract for 2013 with the conference hotel as referenced in
> his email to the board on March 30.
> Approved 9-0-1 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the following people be appointed as officers until the
> next Board election (or their resignation).
>    * **President**: Guido van Rossum
>    * **Chairman**: Steve Holden
>    * **Secretary**: Pat Campbell
>    * **Treasurer**: Kurt Kaiser
>    * **Communications**: Doug Hellmann  
> Approved 11-0-0 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF Board of Directors may adopt binding
> resolutions between regularly scheduled full-board meetings by
> email, subject to the following procedures:
>  (1) Any Director may make a motion to the Board, using the published
> Board mailing list address.
>  (2) For a motion to pass, a "super-quorum" of 3/4 of the Directors MUST
> participate in the email vote by stating 'Aye',  'Nay' or 'Abstain' to a proposed
> motion, with the vote appended  to a quoted version of the exact motion
> proposed. In the case of a Board of 13 Directors, this will require 10 directors
> to vote by email.
> (3) For a motion to pass, an absolute majority of the whole Board MUST vote
> 'Aye'. In the case of a Board of 13 Directors, this will require 7 Aye votes.
> (4) Amended to: The proposing Director SHALL set a specific date and time
> for expiration of a vote. The expiration date/time typically should be at least
> 72 hours after the motion is proposed and shall not be less than 24 hours after the
>  motion is proposed, and may not extend past the next scheduled Board meeting.
> Votes are completed once all directors have voted even if this occurs before the 
> expiration of the vote.
> (5) The result of any vote conducted by email SHALL be included in the minutes
> of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
> Approved 10-0-0 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that Laura Creighton and Tarek Ziade' be awarded the 2011 -
> 2nd Quarter PSF Community Service Award.
> Approved 10-0-1 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011. 
>  **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide a grant of $1,000 US to sponsor the
>  2011 Summer pyGames python based programming competition.
> Approved 10-0-0 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
>  **RESOLVED**, that the PSF a single server for up to USD 4000 for the
> speed.python.org project. The PSF will additionally try to raise funds to be
> used for additional projects/hardware via a call for sponsors.
> Approved 7-0-3 by IRC vote, 18 April 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide funding of $3,000 in discretionary
> spending to allow Van Lindberg to provide the monies for the final PyCon-related expenses.
> Approved 7-0-0 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide a grant of $2,000 to sponsor the SciPy 2011 
> Conference to be held in Austin, Texas on July 11 through the 16th.
> Approved 8-0-0 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide funding of $1,500 to the GNOME Foundation
> for the 2011 Libre Graphics Meeting to be held in Montreal.
> Approved 7-0-1 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide funding of $1,500 USD to sponsor the 
> PyArgentina Conference (requested by Juan Rodríguez Monti).
> Approved 6-0-2 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that David Mertz be appointed chairman of the Trademarks
> Committee for 2011/2012.
> Approved 8-0-1 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that Sean Reifschneider be appointed chairman of the
> Infrastructure Committee for 2011/2012.
> Approved 9-0-0 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that Jesse Noller be appointed chairman of the Sprints
> Committee for 2011/2012.
> Approved 8-0-1 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the reappointment of the individual members of the
> Trademarks Committee, the Infrastructure Committee and the Sprints Committee
> for the term 2010/2011 be delegated to the Chairman of the Board based on the
> proposals by the chairmen of the respective committees in accordance with section
> 6.4 of the bylaws.
> Approved 8-0-0 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the 2011 Frank Willison Award be awarded to Georg
> Brandl. The award was initially announced at the 2011 EuroPython Conference.  
> Approved 7-0-1 by IRC vote, 16 May 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF provide a USD $1,220 grant to PyLadies to support
> the growth of this community, as outlined in Audrey Roy's grant proposal PDF:
> (http://mail.python.org/mailman/private/psf-board/attachments/20110604/e982d484/attachment-0001.pdf)
> Approved 10-0-0 by email vote, 5 June 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PyCon 2011 Chair is authorized to enter agreements,
> sign contracts on behalf of the PSF and incur expenses up to a total of $50,000 for
> a specific conference, subject to prompt reporting to the Board. The limit is waived
> as soon as the budget for the specific conference has been approved by the Board 
> of Directors. Thereafter the PyCon Chair is directed to inform the Board of actual or 
> expected variances from the budget of $5,000 or more.
> Approved 9-0-1 by email vote, 19 June 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the PSF form an official "Outreach and Education" project 
> management committee with the goals of identifying key initiatives, programs and 
> subjects in this domain that the PSF can assist, fund or help guide. This committee
> will make recommendations to the membership, the board and its committees and
> act as a guiding hand for the PSF in this domain. The committee will be chaired by
> David Mertz (PSF Director). The initial membership will be the following individuals: 
> Gloria Jacobs (PSF Director), Jessica McKellar, Daniel Greenfeld, Audrey Roy, Ned 
> Batchelder, Asheesh Laroia, Simon Law and Yannick Gingras.
> Approved 7-0-1 by IRC vote, 27 June 2011.
> **RESOLVED**, that the Board recognizes the efforts expended by its Administrator,
> Pat Campbell, in furthering the development of the organization and the mission of 
> the Foundation.
> Approved 8-0-0 by IRC vote, 27 June 2011.
> Thanks in advance for posting the above resolutions online. If you have any 
> questions, please let me know. 
> Pat
> -- 
> Pat Campbell
> PSF Administrator/Secretary
> patcam at python.org
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