[pydotorg-www] Managing infrastructure information: PSF Systems Trac instance

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Aug 4 16:39:48 CEST 2011

    MAL> I've setup a new Trac instance for systems management and filled
    MAL> the wiki with the data I could find in the public wiki and on the
    MAL> mailing lists:

    MAL>     https://psf.projecthut.com/trac/psfsystems/wiki

    MAL> This instance is meant to be used as central source of information
    MAL> for system administration and also to manage the migration to a new
    MAL> infrastructure.

I can't access it.  Can you explain what aspects of the python.org
management it is supposed to cover?  For instance, I manage the SpamBayes
setup on mail.python.org.  Does the above include that info?


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