[pydotorg-www] New Members to Membership Roster WebPage – Please Add

Pat Campbell patcam at python.org
Sat Apr 23 02:59:17 CEST 2011

Hi Pydotorg Team:

Please add the 2011 new members to the members’ web page:


*2011 - New Nominated Members:*

Ned Batchelder

Vern Ceder

Rick Copeland

Brian Curtin

Maciej Fijalkowski

Daniel Greenfeld

Yannick Gingras

Jonathan Hartley

Philip Jenvey

Brian K. Jones

Jonathan LaCour

Mike Orr

Ronald Oussoren

Fabio Pliger

Lennart Regebro

Gregory Smith

Richard Taylor

*2011 New Sponsor Members:*

* *

Online Degree Reviews,
April 2011, represented by Steve Rawlinson

Uniblue Systems Ltd,    http://www.uniblue.com/  , since April 2011,
represented by Raffaele Bianco

Werbeagentur Berlin / Eventelligence ltd.<http://www.werbeagentur-berlin.de/>
,,  since August 2010, represented by Daniel Knappe

 Zimbio,   http://www.zimbio.com ,   since April 2011, represented by Bruce

* *



Pat Campbell
PSF Administrator/Secretary
patcam at python.org
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