[pydotorg-www] ConFoo Call for Speakers

Yannick Gingras ygingras at ygingras.net
Thu Nov 18 03:12:34 CET 2010

Greetings Python webmasters, 
  as a member of the program committee for ConFoo, I'm very grateful
that our call for speakers got to be mentioned on python.org last
year.  I hope that it will also be possible to have a similar post
this year and I include a proposed text at the end of this email.
Feel free to edit it in anyway to match your editorial style.

We know that the date clash can be a problem but there is not much
that we can do about it at this point and we still believe with deep
conviction that ConFoo is a great opportunity to showcase how Python
is a very solid option for Web development and to introduce it to a
crowd that is more familiar with competing technologies.

Here is the proposed text:

  ConFoo, a conferences showcasing many aspects of Web development,
  including Python, Ruby, PHP, databases, and scaling, runs its call
  for speakers until November 26th.  More details on their website:

Yannick Gingras
http://montrealpython.org -- lead organizer
http://ajah.ca -- technical lead
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