[pydotorg-www] Fwd: Few errors and enhancement (nice to have)

webmaster at python.org webmaster at python.org
Thu Dec 30 20:09:41 CET 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Few errors and enhancement (nice to have)
Date: 	Thu, 30 Dec 2010 14:34:04 +0100
From: 	Pastuszka Piotr <Piotr.Pastuszka at eservice.com.pl>
To: 	<webmaster at python.org>

Sorry my English, but J typically only read in English. First notice 
that www.python.org <http://www.python.org/> is little difficult to read.

1. http://docs.python.org/py3k/  - there no buttons to back to 
WWW.python.org <http://www.python.org/>  - my proposal is to link 
WWW.python.org <http://www.python.org/> on icon located on top/left of page

2. On WWW.python.org <http://www.python.org/> when click "Package Index" 
(http://pypi.python.org/pypi ) on left on top appears section "Package 
Index" and bottom of sections disappears many links.  Section "Package 
Index" disappears when click on another section like "About", "News", 
.... (no intuitive, because sometimes something appears and something 

3. Package index (2.x) is very big. It is difficult to find good needed 
package -- now everybody have to check every package with description 
connected to subject.  In future 3.x it can be again big. It can be 
helpful to split list on 2 lists:

    A) Packages

    B) Packages arch -- in this list should by dead packages (non 
updates for 3 years) and low rating (lower then 3).

    I know there are Categories but it doesn't work perfect.

4. List of packages -- should have columns : Last update, Rating, Downloads

5. Please make "Advanced Search" in "Package Index".

6. Now "Video Python" is in About->Application 
http://www.python.org/about/apps/ and nowhere else. It should be in Help 

7. Why content is split for 3 DNS subdomens?:
    a) www.python.org <http://www.python.org/>

    b) docs.python.org <http://www.python.org/>

    c) wiki.python.org <http://www.python.org/>

There is also pypi.python.org <http://www.pypi.python.org/>, but I 
understood why is this DNS subdomen

   Now many information is redundancy and little difficult to read for 
new users (specially native non English)







8. http://www.python.org/dev/pydotorg/website/ - it is difficult to 
maintain Website. Mayby better is to move all content to wiki.python.org 
(with obligatory acceptance)


Piotr Pastuszka from Poland

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