[pydotorg-www] project plan

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Apr 23 15:29:49 CEST 2010

    4> Where's a simple way of finding out how to contribute?

    Martin> Core Development/Patch Submission.

I think we need a concrete definition of what "contribute" means.  Here are
some common interpretations I come up with off the top of my head:


    * file a bug report against Python itself
    * fix a bug in Python by submitting a patch
    * review existing bug reports and/or patches
    * be an "early adopter" - download and exercise pre-release versions

    * file a bug report about the website (ignore the details of "file a bug
      report for now")
    * monitor wiki pages, deleting spam, correcting errors
    * reorganize all or part of the main website or wiki

    * participate in mailing lists, especially those related to the
      development of the language and its libraries (python-dev,
      python-ideas, distutils-sig, etc) or those whose aim it is to help
      other users (esp, python-help and tutor)

    * help administer the website (keep software updated and hardware
      current) and/or Python-related mailing lists (including being a
      postmaster, webmaster, pydotorg denizen, or a roto-rooter)

    * Donate
    * Convince your boss that your company should donate (money, services,
      hardware, human resources)

I haven't included anything related to the PSF, largely because I never
participated in it myself, so don't have a clue what all goes on behind
those doors, but I'm sure there are plenty of opportunities for people to
contribute there as well.

Much of this discussion seems to have focused on problems "contributing" to
the design and content of the website: how difficult it is to check out the
static files from Subversion, edit the content, build a local copy of the
site, and finally check the changes back in to make them live.  I happen to
believe that sort of contribution pales in comparison with contributions to
the language and libraries and all the other activities which fall under the
overall umbrella of "contribution".  Personally, I'm happy if the same dozen
or so people are the only people who turn the cranks to actually light up
the website(s).  In the grand scheme of things that's a trivial part of the
entire process as it relates to contributing to Python.

Long story short, when you refer to contribution in any of these
discussions, please be specific.


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