[pydotorg-www] python.org ecosytem

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Wed Apr 21 22:40:16 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 16:26, Richard Leland <rich at richleland.com> wrote:
> Hi all - one of the research points I've got to hit is getting a master list
> of all the sites within the python.org ecosystem and the technology behind
> them. Below is what I've got so far - if you could take a look and help me
> fill in the missing pieces I'd appreciate it!
> - python.org (static files w/build system)
> - docs.python.org (sphinx documentation)
> - wiki.python.org (moinmoin)

Note that there are multiple wiki instances running here (/moin =
Python public wiki; /jython; /psf = PSF private wiki; maybe others). I
believe all are running the same version of MoinMoin though.

> - bugs.python.org (roundup)
> - planet.python.org
> - svn.python.org
> - pypi.python.org
> - pycon.org

The content part uses PyCon-Tech, a Django-based system mostly written
by Doug Napoleone.
The registration part is a Web2py-based system written mostly by
Massimo di Pierro & Yarko Tymciurak.
Both run on a dedicated server hosted by Tummy.com, paid for by the PSF.

I believe some old PyCon content (pre-2008) is still hosted on Jeff
Rush's personal server, and may use Zope as a back-end.
www.pycon.org is a single static HTML page still hosted on Jeff's server.

-- David Goodger

> - pyfound.blogspot.com (blogger)
> - Rich

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