[Pydotorg-www] About the new build system

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Tue Aug 7 09:01:12 CEST 2007

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:
> Hi.
> I'm the maintainer of the python.it web site.
> We are using a modified version of ht2html, but it has many problems.
> I'm planning to update the software but it seems that the new build 
> system for python.org has all the features I need.

I do not know if someone is interested, but here is the features I'm 
planning to add:

1) split the software into separate modules:
    * loader.py:
        this module is responsible for the loading of the page content.
        It must return an rfc822 message and a metadata dictionary.
        The metadata will contain the filename of the content file, and
        the list of dependencies
    * parser.py:
        this module is responsible for the parsing of YML files
    * generator.py:
        the main module that generate the html pages with the navigation
        There should be a function createContext (for creating a Mako
        context for a page) that the user can override.
    * build.py:
        the driver

2) generic formatter/fragment renderer
      Add a formatter register where to register a formatter for a given
      content type (like rst_html.process_rst for reST)

3) extend the supported headers:
    * the Content-Type header will supports an additional parameter where
      one can explicitly specify the formatter to use
      (Content-Type: text/plain;formatter="myformatter")
    * add an Include header (I need this because some contents on
      python.it came from a separate section of the Subversion
      Include: glossary.xml;
      Content-Type: application/xml;formatter="glossary_formatter"

4) generic support for yml files like newsindex.yml
   * using the pyramid extensions to YAML, there should be no need
     to write a separate function to parse each of such file.
     As an example a reST text in the newsindex.yml uses the !rest
     directive, so the code knows how to format it.
   * a page fragment that needs, as an example, newsindex.yml,
     can add a Resource header, that declares the resource it needs
     (that is, the "absolute"[1] path where to find that resource)
   * the template then, can call
        load_resource('newsindex.yml', $(resources))
     (using Mako namespace directive, instead of passing the function in
      the context)

5) all the template should go on a template directory
    (and the user can override this directory via command line).

    Maybe all the resources (newsindex.py, sigindex.yml, sigindex.yml)
    should go in the same "resources" directory?

[1] All the paths should be relative.
     The base paths are specified in the build.py module

These are just a few ideas (and I'm not sure that I will be able to 
implement all of them)

Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo

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