[Pydotorg-www] [Pydotorg] quick break down of trac tickets

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Oct 19 07:09:54 CEST 2006

Michael Steinfeld schrieb:
> I don't want to close tickets that I have no idea if they still stand  
> or not. I guess I am pretty anal, but I hate seeing open tickets. I  
> would like some suggestions on how I should go about cleaning them up  
> and finding out of the issue has/hasn't been solved.

If all else fails, you should ask the submitter of the ticket whether
the issue still exists. If there is no response after some time, close
it due to lack of feedback.

> It also would be helpful if I had some knowledge on how a page is  
> generated. It would save me some time not having to figure this all  
> out on my own.
> more or less a quick run down of the basic layout of pydotorg.

Do you have a checkout of
? If so, are you able to build it? If not, read the readmes.


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