[Pydotorg-redesign] What are the goals?

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Mon Sep 29 22:10:15 EDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003, A. M. Kuchling wrote:
> Tim is doubtless worried that the mandate will be for the site to look 
> identical in both NS4 and current Mozilla/IE/Safari/whatever.  

That's ridiculous.  From my POV, NS4 is simply one of a long line of
non-mainstream browsers that must be supported (Lynx, Links, Internet
appliances, various cell phone and PDA browsers).  There's no way we can
mandate an idential look across all these platforms, particularly when
you start considering that 800x600 vs 1280x1024 might as well be
different platforms.

> * If it doesn't matter if NS4 is unreadable or crashes, the designer 
> can just use CSS
>   and let the chips fall.  Easy.

That is not an option.

> * If the site has to be readable in NS4 but getting a different, less 
> attractive, presentation
>   doesn't   matter,  the designer can just hide or simplify the CSS 
> stylesheet served
>   to Netscape4 using Apache directives or some CSS tricks.

That's the way to go.

> * If the site has to look identical in both NS4 and Mozilla, it's very 
> difficult; you end up
>   doubling the work required, or you implement for NS4 and avoid using 
> modern CSS.

Well, I'm not opposed to the idea of ditching CSS.  ;-)  (You figure out
how much winking that is.)

> You seem to be OK with the middle option.

Absolutely.  No, I'm not just okay, that's a requirement.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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