[Pydotorg-redesign] Draft HTML for redesign proposal

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Fri Oct 17 12:13:45 EDT 2003

> The linux platform core fonts don't really provide a choice that people
> can have strong opinions about. Lucida on X11 is awful leaving only
> Helvetica. Other than this, many people install extra fonts on their
> system and, in doing so, install the windows core fonts or the bitstream
> vera fonts. 

I don't believe that "many people install extra fonts."  The reality
is that if it's not on the dominant vendor's CD, it's not going to be
on most boxes.

> The reason for the conversation was that these fonts present quite
> diverse ranges of condensed/expanded, x-heights and densities. Arial and
> verdana represent the extremes of both of these and are the most common
> fonts available to Python users (over 70% of users on Windows systems,
> 18% on Linux and 1% on Mac).

Are these Python stats or font availability stats?  Where did you get

> It may seem anal but a little feedback can have a siginificant
> affect, if only for those users who have issues with reading.

Yes, I'm glad you care about those people too.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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