[Pydotorg-redesign] Draft HTML for redesign proposal

Tim Parkin tim at pollenation.net
Wed Oct 15 12:00:54 EDT 2003

Roy Smith:
>On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 11:31  AM, Tim Parkin wrote:
>> I've yet to have anyone say they have difficulty reading the 80%  
>> contrast text.
>Did you not notice these two messages?
Yes and they didn't say that had difficulty reading the 80% contrast,
they said they thought it was easier to read the 100% contrast. I think
th other person ditto'd. I find cooking beans on toast easier than
cooking a fry up. Doesn't mean I find fry ups difficult. I find it
easier to walk than it is to run, again running isn't difficult. My
point is exactly that people aren't finding it difficult to read at 80%
wheras some people DO find it difficult to read at 100%. 


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