[Pydotorg-redesign] Draft HTML for redesign proposal

Tim Parkin tim at pollenation.net
Tue Oct 14 08:59:00 EDT 2003

>My laptop died yesterday.  The screen is shot. 
> YOu may have fixed the rendering problem by removing the one user
>who had it.  Boy, do I need to learn that trick for some customers of
>mine.  :-)
Took me a lot of hacking to make that happen ;-)

>I use mozilla and firebird for me, so I don't care about
>konqueror myself. But I think that it is well used, so I
>wanted to see how it looked, and it wasn't good ...
I think It's 2.2.2 as I said, so it won't look v good

>Interesting, now I get the canopener effect at work too.  You not
>getting it?
Not unless I use konquerer 2.2.2

>Really making this window very narrow is --- odd.  But I'm not saying
>it is wrong.  more 'interesting' to me .... i might get perverse and
like it.
I'm sorry I probably don't understand the context. You mean making the
browser narrow makes it odd or the screen goes narrow when you collapse
the menu?


Ps cheers for feedback

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