[Pydotorg-redesign] HTML version of design

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Sat Jul 19 02:47:40 EDT 2003

Aahz wrote:

> [...]
>>_Personally_, I'm not a big fan of expanding menus as it just means more
>>clicks for me. It can also introduce a bit of guesswork for people who
>>don't know the site unless the navigational headers are blindingly
>>obvious. "Documentation" is fine but take "Community" for example. Would
>>we expect a newbie to understand that properly without more context?
>>What about when it has "mailing lists", "events", "user groups" etc
>>right underneath it?
> That's a good point.  What I particularly like about Walter's design is
> the "breadcrumb" across the top that makes it clear where you currently
> are and has back-links to the pages you would click through to get
> directly to the current page (assuming you came from some other part of
> the site).

Matt's original GIF had that too.

> Also, what I think I'd prefer to an "expanding" design is a
> "collapsing" design that gives a good context-sensitive menu.  We've
> currently got a half-assed look like that; I'd like it cleaned up and
> generalized.

OK, then I'll try to extract the global site structure from all the
links.h files and try to generate a navigation from that.

    Walter Dörwald

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