[Pydotorg-redesign] HTML version of design

Matt Goodall matt at pollenation.net
Sat Jul 19 00:10:34 EDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 23:40, Aahz wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2003, Walter Dörwald wrote:
> > Aahz wrote:
> >>On Fri, Jul 18, 2003, Walter Dörwald wrote:
> >>>
> >>>I really like your design. It looks much friendlier than my version.
> >>
> >>Perhaps.  OTOH, I do like the way you've got navigation set up in your
> >>version.
> > 
> > I mean the way it looks, or the way it works?
> > The way it works can of course always be copied to Matt's design.

I should clarify this, especially now Tim is on the list.

The design was inspired by a previous, unused site and modified to fit
python.org. Tim's the one with design skills ... not bad for someone
with an engineering background ;-). My best input was along the lines of
"needs framing better" and "what about a bit less colour". The rest was
more like "yeuch, that's disgusting", "try again, doesn't work in
Mozilla" ;-). Basically, it's Tim's work with some input from me.

> Yup, but to me "works" == "friendly".  ;-)  (Don't forget that I'm
> judging how it looks in Lynx.)  I'm perfectly willing to leave purely
> esthetic judgments to other people.

Is it the way that Walter's design expands the navigational menu on
demand that you particularly like?

_Personally_, I'm not a big fan of expanding menus as it just means more
clicks for me. It can also introduce a bit of guesswork for people who
don't know the site unless the navigational headers are blindingly
obvious. "Documentation" is fine but take "Community" for example. Would
we expect a newbie to understand that properly without more context?
What about when it has "mailing lists", "events", "user groups" etc
right underneath it?

Anyway, this sort of thing is largely subjective ... oh, and browser
dependent ;-)

- Matt

Matt Goodall, Pollenation Internet Ltd
w: http://www.pollenation.net
e: matt at pollenation.net

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