[Pydotorg-redesign] Graphic redesign

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Fri Jul 18 21:52:17 EDT 2003

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> Walter Dörwald writes:
>  > If we replace the per-directory links.h with one global structure, we
>  > probably one need to remove all links.h files and add one global file.
>  > 
>  > If we keep the per-directory links.h we don't have to change any
>  > filenames.
> It sounds like the real issue is whether we want a global
> sitemap-based structure or not.  I don't see any real issue with the
> filenames; the issue is really one of supporting old links.
>  > I think the first step would be to simply convert the .ht without
>  > touching any navigation. The next step would be to handle the
>  > special headers in the .ht files. Finally a new sitemap structure
>  > has to be defined.
> I'm not sure what you want to convert the .ht files to.

XIST source files, because that's the tool I'm most familiar
with. ;)

> There are, I
> suspect, two issues:
> - functionality:  Are they missing something they need?  Are they
>   getting in the way of something else?

Using XIST would open up several possibilities: Using custom
conversion not only for the global page structure, but inside the
content area as well. Several conversion modes: I can think of
RSS and PDF. For the XIST pages themselves I'm currently implementing
automatic PDF generation. I've put the current state of the XIST pages
on http://styx.livinglogic.de/~walter/python/. If you have Mozilla
installed, the site navigation bar provides links to several versions
of the page. Or you can simply replace the .html extension with .pdf
to get the PDF version. We could extract reSTified docstrings from
Python files and put them into webpages. ...

> - technology:  You found something cooler.  (Not hard to do!)

Of course we have to balance the joy of something cool with
the pain of migration.

(And I don't know yet what I'm getting myself into by suggesting
this! ;))

    Walter Dörwald

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