[Pydotorg-redesign] site package

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Fri Jul 18 21:23:06 EDT 2003

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> I've placed a copy of an export of the pydotorg CVS (with an embedded
> export fo HT2HTML in the right place) on the FTP server:
> ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/python/temp/pydotorg.tar.bz2
> This is mostly for Walter's edification, but anyone here is free to
> pick it up over the next few hours.  When I leave the office in a few
> hours, I'll remove it to conserve disk space (don't want any more
> Mondays!).
> Walter, please let me know when you've picked it up.

OK, I've got the tarball and it unpacks OK.


    Walter Dörwald

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