[Pydotorg-redesign] Graphic redesign

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Fri Jul 18 20:42:54 EDT 2003

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> Walter Dörwald writes:
>  > What about Python source? For my mockup I've used something like:
> Oddly enough, I really don't like storing data as executable Python
> code.  That may be just me, but something that opens it up a bit seems
> like a good idea.

OK, then we could use an XML file for that. But this file has to be
parsed by a Python script. Why not instantiate the data structure

>  > The problem is that this might scale badly if we have many pages.
> Were you thinking of a single structure for the entire site, or local
> structures, such as per directory?

I was using one global structure for the complete site.

> I think storing the data close to
> the relevant portions of the site is a good thing.

This ties the site structure to the directory structure.
Whether this is good or bad is a different topic.

>  > What I wanted to try out was whether it's possible to *replace*
>  > HT2HTML.
> Yes.  The .ht files would need to be converted to whatever is needed
> or used by the new software.


> There are also huge chunks of content that are simply dropped into
> place, outside of CVS.  (Gasp!)

Does this content bypass HT2HTML?

> The online versions of the
> documentation are the culprit here (hopefully the only case).

This shouldn't be a problem as long as source and build/install
directory are different.

> The
> pages that are specific to the website (download.html, index.html) are
> generated from .ht files in CVS like anything else, but the content
> that matches the distributed files are just unpacked from the released
> distributions.
> [...]

    Walter Dörwald

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