[Pydotorg-redesign] idea I had (expressed in the wrong forum)

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Mon Aug 25 11:06:28 EDT 2003

I am envisioning the new python website as having a separate section
for IT Managers, Programmers, Educators, Journalists -- what have you --
wherever we want to have a special focused message about how Python is
good for their particular needs.  Then I had this idea for the bottom
of the page.  Something like:

Journalist? (or whoevers pages we are in at this time).
Help us improve our website.  Click here to tell us what worked for you,
 what didn't, and your ideas, questions, comments and suggestions.

Then give them a way a) to mail us something and maybe b) a way to answer a
short poll about their experience.  THey don't have to do this, but some
people love polls.

What do other people think of this idea?


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