[Pydotorg-redesign] Re: [marketing-python] PWC: informal announcement

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Sun Aug 24 15:17:29 EDT 2003

On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 12:34  AM, Michael McLay wrote:
> I've been doing some work on a prototype redesign. Please take a look 
> at:
> 	http://drydock.python.net:9673/python

Over all, very nice.  But, of course I've got some nit-picks...

Why the calender in the right margin?  What events are we going to show 
when you click on a date?  It's pretty, and perhaps it's a nice demo of 
plone technology, but I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to web 
design.  The question I always ask is, "Does the value justify the 
realestate dedicated to it?"  Is a calander really so important that we 
should devote prime real estate (top of a column) to it on every page?

> I've only completed a draft for the Manager and Donation links. The 
> prototype
> still needs a market pitch for Developers, Students, etc.. If anyone is
> interested in filling in some of the holes, embellishing my first 
> draft, or
> fixing the grammar and speling, please let me know and I'll add you as 
> a
> manager to the plone interface.

I'm game.  I don't know anything about plone, but I'm willing to learn.

The "donating to the PSF" page is formatted differently from the others 
(the center text has longer lines).  I assume this is unintentional?

There's a fair amount of real estate devoted to membership related 
stuff.  What would people be joining?  What benefits do they get?  What 
benefits do we get by making people join something before getting 
access to certain material?

The drinking from the firehose link doesn't have any indication that 
it's an off-site link, and the result is visually jarring (and somewhat 

Lastly, a bit of a meta-comment.  Obviously, the design is the plone 
site with some new content dropped in.  Is the intent that these two 
sites will have the same look-and-feel in the long run?  If so, I think 
that's not a good idea, because their identities will merge.  There are 
lots of e-commerce web sites I go to which have so many visual elements 
in common with Amazon that my first impression is that "Oh, Amazon must 
have bought this company".

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