Ynt: [Pydotorg-redesign] Some logo attempts

Oktay Safak oktaysafak at ixir.com
Fri Aug 15 00:51:51 EDT 2003

A.M. Kuchling <amk at asti-usa.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 06:53:48PM -0700, Oktay Safak wrote:
> > The spiral is a logarithmic spiral but it's there just as an idea ...
> I quite like the concept.  The grey colour and outlined font also
> looks quite dignified; sans-serif seems preferable.


> While I'm at it: someone suggested "Infinite possibilities" as a
> slogan, and the more I think about, the better it seems.  It's short,
> only two words long, and it captures the wide range of applications
> Python spans, from teaching kids to program, to writing quick one-off
> scripts, to building elaborate business-critical systems.  It lends
> itself to logo ideas (infinity symbols, open spirals, infinite lines).
> Unfortunately there's already a company with the same name
> (www.ip-wizard.com).

What about "Endless possibilities"? It doesn't sound as good as your
suggestion though.



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