[Pydotorg-redesign] Design, Logo's, Images

Tim Parkin tim.parkin at pollenationinternet.com
Thu Aug 14 11:51:48 EDT 2003

> > Yes, I recently suggested that Guido should decree what the process 
> > was going to be, he's far too busy with security matters for this
> > (though it's nice to see he's reading the list). Guido?
>The PSF board just formed a committee chaired by Thomas Wouters for
>this purpose.  There's discussion in the board list about a
>technicality WRT the proper creation of the committee, but IMO this
>committee should set the process.

What is the remit for this commitee (if you don't mind me asking).

> > http://www.pollenation.net/assets/public/index_rounded_logo3.html
> >
> >Thanks in advance for any feedback.
>I find the font used in that logo hideous.  But maybe Just can
>convince me that it's state of the art. :-)

I think in the process of designing a new look, we need to have a
direction/brief and feedback plays a big part in approaching the desired

I know the logo doesn't seem important at all at this point in the
proceedings but it does dictate a lot of the look and feel of the site
(or particularly what the look and feel shouldn't be)

In this interest, could you say why you think the font was hideous and
do you like any of the others in the sample at 


If not can you say why? Or point to a type of font or logo that you
like? Theres another rendition at


Which you may not like but in a different way e.g. for hideous, read
loathsome ;-)

>I find the page design itself too bland, it doesn't have enough

I can understand that as I was working towards an 'understated' brief.
Do you mean you wish it to be more 

i) upfront and commercial e.g.

ii) colourful/playful e.g.

iii) Profession but rich e.g.

iv) Minimalist e.g.

V) Minimalish(?) e.g. 

Or are there any other sites that you could point at that you want
python to look like.

We're more than happy to put a lot of effort in to the visual and
navigational redesign but would like to feel we're heading in a
direction that people are happy with and is likely to be used. We would
like to feel that there is a good prospect of the effort being helpful
but if not then it would be better spent on other projects.

Apart from that, it's good to see lots of people taking part.


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