[Pydotorg-redesign] Design, Logo's, Images

Oktay Safak oktaysafak at ixir.com
Wed Aug 13 17:59:05 EDT 2003

"Tim Parkin" <tim.parkin at pollenationinternet.com> wrote:

> It's cool that the design can have a group of people discussing it.

Yes, and graphic (or visual) design is orthogonal to other issues, so we can
brainstorm on this in parallel to arcitechural/technical matters.

> > But I also think it's time for something new. But more than anything,
> > (graphic) design by committee sucks. One person or one small group
> > should create a new design (I'm talking about the site as a whole, not
> > the just logo), and the community will have to live with the fact that
> > it will not be to everyone's taste (for example I'm sure we wouldn't
> > be able to agree what it means for a site to look "professional"). There
> > can be competing proposals, but the final choice will either have to
> > made by Guido, or a (very) small group of people that he assigns.

> I totally agree, having worked for various graphic design agencies
> (albeit not in a direct design role) the worst results have always been
> when all of the customer board of directors want a part of the design
> and all the best ones where a small group has had a free hand in
> producing the designs and the committee has made decisions on favourites
> where this is appropriate and advisable.

That's my experience too (as a somewhat semi-professional or hobbyist). I
totally agree with both of you, but before we are there, it's good to
brainstorm and collect feedback.

> While we're batting things about, what do you think of these possibles?
> http://pollenation.net/assets/public/pydotorg-redesign/python-logo-test.
> gif

The idea of the intifinity symbol is neat, but I can't say, err, your logos
hit me right on the spot ;)

> Thanks in advance for any feedback.

You're welcome, thanks for your efforts.



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