[Pydotorg-redesign] Rearranging the python.org sidebar (again!)

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Aug 11 18:45:50 EDT 2003

    amk> The problem with the current sidebar is that it's too long and the
    amk> links are too jumbled.  My current draft is at
    amk> http://www.amk.ca/python.org.html, but it still needs work.
    amk> Issues:

    amk> * Popular links is too vague a section title.  Can someone suggest
    amk>   a better title, or a rearrangement that makes the choice of title
    amk>   clear?

I think it's too vague a title because what's underneath it doesn't really
fit together well.  It's not obvious what "Python Wiki" has to do with
either the PSF or the PBF.  It's also not obvious why you need both "Events"
and "PyCon 2004" there.  I'd split what's there into something like:

    Popular Pages
        Python Job Board 
        Python Wiki 

    Python-Related Organizations
        Python Software Foundation
        Python Business Forum
        Python User Groups 

("Organizations" as opposed to "Companies".)

PyCon is important and popular, but for the time being it should get enough
attention in the Announcements page.  By the time it falls off the bottom of
that bullet list I'm sure some other milestone will have been crossed which
will warrant Aahz recycling it to the top of the list. ;-)

    amk> * The "Exits" section is a jumble of stuff.  Why link to PyGame,
    amk>   not NumPy or PIL or Reportlab or any number of worthy packages?
    amk>   Why link to the particular topic of web hosting?  I'd suggest
    amk>   just dropping the entire "Exits" section, because it's not clear
    amk>   what it's for.

Lack of firm criteria I think, plus this isn't really the place for this

    amk> * "Commercial Exits" is also really long, yet it's still
    amk>   incomplete.  As M.-A. Lemburg pointed out a little while ago, his
    amk>   company, eGenix, isn't listed.  We lack a criterion for adding
    amk>   companies to this list.  IMHO this isn't important enough to
    amk>   consume space on the top page; the section should be removed and
    amk>   the companies listed somewhere else (in a marketing section?).

Ditto, I think.

I would argue that there is no need for the Exits section at all.  There are
both PyPI and the Vaults of Parnassus, not to mention the Python forum on
SourceForge.  Commercial Exits clearly needs some criteria so we don't wind
up with 200 companies listed.  Maybe that stuff should be moved to a Wiki
page just like PythonHosting.  The companies who wish to be listed can
manage their own turf.


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