[Pydotorg-redesign] a modest proposal

Dylan Reinhardt python at dylanreinhardt.com
Sat Aug 9 16:34:56 EDT 2003

I tossed around an idea in the bottom of a couple posts that probably
should have gotten its own thread.  So here it is.

Would this group be willing to evaluate a demo of a Zope-based CMS that
could *supplement* the current offerings at python.org?   If y'all are
willing to look at it, I'd be willing to assemble a small team to do it.

I propose to create a system that could serve as the definitive
repository of howtos, white papers and other user-created content
relating to Python usage (both in general and in specific problem
domains).  It could catalog recipes and howtos found on other sites as
well, reducing duplication and ensuring an authoritative collection.
This is well within my level of experience to organize and execute.

Truth be told, I was thinking of doing something like this anyway, but
it'll get done a lot faster if this group shows any interest in
evaluating it.  A system like this could have inestimably greater value
as an "official" Python resource than it would as yet another small
community web portal.

If this could be done such that it required no additional inputs from
current maintainers, would you be willing to take a look?   


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