[Pydotorg-redesign] The Zope question

Brett C. bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Aug 8 15:32:22 EDT 2003

Tim Parkin wrote:
>>On Fri, Aug 08, 2003, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
>>>Ugh... I meant to send this to where it *really* belongs, pydotorg,
> not
>>>Sorry for the bother.
>>Actually, pydotorg-redesign *is* the right place for this now.
> I can see a lot of advantages too. What are the disadvantages though?

This idea was thrown out at PyCon during the pydotorg BOF talk.  The 
main problem is that not all of the pydotorg maintainers (including me) 
know Zope.  This would require us to learn how to use the system.  Now 
considering we are all volunteers that might cost us some maintainers or 
at least stall the move-over if this were to happen.  Yes, it was 
mentioned that the Zope community would probably be willing to help with 
the setup and transition, but since this is volunteer there is nothing 
holding them to following through (yes, I am being pessimistic).

There is also the issue of the fact that the change-over would have to 
happen pretty much all at once.  At this moment it is piecemeal which 
has been manageable thanks to the fact that one person (mostly AM 
Kuchling and Walter Doerwald, I think) can, when they have time, work on 
a page or section and move it over to a clean layout and such.

And Zope will have to work through Lynx for Aahz.  =)

Personally I am on the fence on this change-over issue.


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