[Pydotorg-redesign] FW: [marketing-python] More on the white paper idea

Kevin Altis altis at semi-retired.com
Tue Apr 15 10:42:46 EDT 2003

White papers sound like a good idea to me. I'm forwarding Skip's message
because my comments mostly have to do with redesign ideas.

We have a handful of Topic pages and some are better than others.


There is definitely overlap with the SIG pages and much of the content of
various SIG pages would be good for topic pages (eg. edu-sig -> Python in
Education). I'm not sure I like the idea of replacing the better pages like
the Python and Scientific Computing topic with a white paper and a set of
links at the bottom of that, but Skip may have an example white paper in
mind to use as a model for the organization.


This is definitely an area where it would be good to get feedback from the
"scientific computing" customers about whether the pages are useful to them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Skip Montanaro
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 7:44 AM
To: marketing-python at wingide.com
Subject: [marketing-python] More on the white paper idea

Following up on my note from yesterday suggesting topic-specific white
papers/web pages, I think we could solicit white papers from people in
specific disciplines to provide short, readable overviews of how Python and
its supporting libraries can be used in those disciplines.  Here are some

    Scientific Computing                Eric Jones
    XML                                 Uche Ogbuji
    Data Visualization/3D Graphics      Prabhu Ramachandran or Michel Sanner
    Web Services                        Mark Pilgrim
    Relational Databases                Andy Dustman or Federico di Gregorio

Such white papers could serve several different purposes:

    * They'd be valuable source material for people considering Python in
      specific problem domains.  They'd be written by someone who's an
      expert in a particular field, so their expertise would lend
      credibility to the argument that Python is an appropriate language for
      that task.

    * The collection of white paper pages would provide useful structure
      (better than the current topics, sigs and psa pages) and convenient
      places to hang pointers to a handful of related links (without trying
      to supplant Parnassus or PyPI).

    * An initial set of white papers would probably generate white paper
      proposals and submissions in areas we haven't considered.

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