[Pydotorg-redesign] [marketing-python] pytdotorg-redesign notes from PyCon Open Space session

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Fri Apr 11 18:43:41 EDT 2003

>  >Of course, if there were a tracker that created issues from incoming
>  >emails, that would work like a charm.
>  >
>  >I'm certain this has been done before.  ;-)  I'm not familiar with
>  >what trackers are available that work like this, much less how to set
>  >them up, though.
> I've seen it work fine with several systems
> if people follow a submission template. I
> suppose something could just snarf up a piece
> of email to webmaster and save it as the
> body of the issue without processing, but I
> think without enforcing a template it's going
> to be pretty tough for it to be useful. And
> I don't see any way to enforce a template,
> "webmaster" is like "postmaster", it's an
> address that's expected to be there and
> people just send to it, free-form.

Entering each piece of free-form email in a tracker as a new issue
shouldn't be hard, should it?  Lots of commercial support systems do
this.  The people answering the queries interact via the tracker, the
original poster sees email and can reply to it.  A cookie in the
subject can be used to match incoming email to the right issue.

Someone, somewhere has probably already written this in Python.

(Hm, maybe we should stop cross-posting to marketing-python?)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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