[Pydotorg-redesign] [marketing-python] pytdotorg-redesign notes from PyCon Open Space session

Mats Wichmann mats at laplaza.org
Fri Apr 11 11:12:22 EDT 2003

At 10:54 AM 4/11/2003 -0400, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
 >Mats Wichmann writes:
 > > If people with /requests/ did the entering into the tracker it
 > > might work.
 >Of course, if there were a tracker that created issues from incoming
 >emails, that would work like a charm.
 >I'm certain this has been done before.  ;-)  I'm not familiar with
 >what trackers are available that work like this, much less how to set
 >them up, though.

I've seen it work fine with several systems
if people follow a submission template. I
suppose something could just snarf up a piece
of email to webmaster and save it as the
body of the issue without processing, but I
think without enforcing a template it's going
to be pretty tough for it to be useful. And
I don't see any way to enforce a template,
"webmaster" is like "postmaster", it's an
address that's expected to be there and
people just send to it, free-form.

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