[PyConAPAC] [Action Needed] PyCon APAC 2018 Ballot

Younggun Kim iam at younggun.kim
Wed Nov 8 09:03:46 EST 2017

Dear organizers,

I'll set up an e-ballot for PyCon APAC 2018 Host using a platform called
Helios which is used by multiple non-profits including the Open Source
Initiative, the Linux Software Foundation, and the PSF as well.

I'm familiar with Helios for voting but this is my first time to set up a
ballot, so I'd like to run a test ballot first so that everyone can get
used to it.

## Action Needed ##
Please reply to this thread with an e-mail address and name of each
country's representative who will cast a ballot as we agreed each country
should be represented by 1 vote. It would be appreciated if you could
provide the information by this weekend.

## Voting countries (Thanks, Liew!)
- Taiwan
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Hong Kong
- Philippines
- Indonesia
- South Korea
- Vietnam

## Timeline Suggestion

2017.11.13 - Send mock ballot for test
2017.11.17 - Test ballot ends
2017.11.20 - Send ballot for PyCon APAC 2018 Host
2017.11.24 - The ballot ends

Once the ballot set up, you will receive an email from the Helios Voting
Administrator system at heliosvoting.org.
The email will contain your voter ID and the election URL needed to submit
your vote.

To vote for a candidate country, select your candidate and click next.
 - You will be able to review the candidate information, by clicking “view
more information”. It would be just the proposal they submitted. (
 - To Abstain, do not select any candidates and click next.

You will be able to review your ballot before you submit your vote.

Younggun Kim

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