[pycon-za] Organizing PyConZA 2016

Simon Cross hodgestar at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 15:20:54 EST 2016


I plan to host a meeting to start forming the PyConZA 2016 organizing
committee this coming Saturday at Alexander Bar after the CTPUG
meeting. If you are interested in helping organize PyConZA this year,
please come along.

If you're interested but can't attend, please let me know via email
and I'll make sure that you're included in the committee's follow-on

Date: 16 January
Time: 3pm
Venue: Alexander Bar (https://alexanderbar.co.za/info/)

Last year the committee organized everything over Slack and recorded
all of the administrative details in a git repository. The repository
and Slack history will be available to this year's committee.

I intend not to be on the committee this year. I'll be around to
provide lots of advice, support and to help out as needed -- I'm not
going anywhere -- but PyConZA needs not to rely on me indefinitely.
It's time to pass on the torch.

Yours sincerely,
Simon Cross
Enthusiastic PyConZA supporter :)

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