[pycon-za] PyConZA 2016 - Second Call for Speakers

Neil Muller drnlmuller at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 04:55:25 EDT 2016

This is a second call for talk proposals for PyConZA 2016. While we've
already received several great talk proposals, we still have a number
of open talk slots and are thus keen to see further talk submissions.

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at
https://za.pycon.org/ and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at https://za.pycon.org/talks/submit-talk .

PyConZA 2016 will take place 6th & 7th October at The River Club, in
Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa. There will be two days of talks,
and we will hold sprints on the 8th & 9th of October.i For more
details, please visit https://za.pycon.org/ .

The presentation slots will be 30 minutes long, with an additional 10
minutes for discussion at the end. Shared sessions are also possible.
The presentations will be in English.

PyConZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you
would like assistance preparing your submission, email
team at za.pycon.org with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

In addition to talks, we are also looking for proposals for tutorials,
demos, sprints and open spaces.

Tutorials are intended to be more in-depth introductions to a topic
with a limited number of attendees. Tutorial sessions can be up to 90
minutes long.

Demos are cool things for attendees to see and interact with.

Open spaces are open discussion forums where communities with a common
interest gather to present views, ask questions and meet people
interested in the topic.

Sprints are coding efforts and hack days that happen after the conference.

There's no need to register a sprint or open space topic upfront, but
doing so allows us to advertise them during the conference.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee

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