[pycon-za] Waiting list activated on za.pycon.org

Euan Jonker euan at unomena.com
Thu Sep 6 16:52:46 CEST 2012

Perhaps we should update Quicket as well, because you can still sign up
there and pay.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Simon Cross <
simon.cross at praekeltfoundation.org> wrote:

> Greetings
> We hit 215 tickets committed so we took a decision to switch
> registration on za.pycon.org to a waiting list. The information
> captured is the same but there's a red box letting people know they're
> signing up to a waiting list and the emails sent out are different
> (they explain the waiting list and don't contain an invoice).
> This doesn't mean no more tickets are available for PyConZA -- just
> that we have to limit things carefully from here. Step one is chasing
> current sponsors and people who haven't paid to make sure they either
> use their tickets or free them up for people who will. Step two will
> be contacting people on the waiting list if spaces become available.
> Schiavo
> Simon
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*Euan Jonker*

+27 83 400 2042
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