[pycon-za] Recent PyCon ZA activity

Euan Jonker euan at unomena.com
Fri Jun 22 17:08:33 CEST 2012

Hi Simon,

We should be ready some time next week with the initial version of the site.
That would be where people can show their interest in either attending or


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Simon Cross <
simon.cross at praekeltfoundation.org> wrote:

> Greetings
> Wendy from Speakers Corner has been hard at work canvassing venues and
> drawing up a budget for us. Lauren, Sam and I looked at The (BMW)
> Pavilion this afternoon. It looks like an awesome venue for PyCon and
> hopefully we'll get a concrete budget and a yes or a no from Gustav
> over the weekend or early next week.
> I also want to make everyone aware that some of the plans are being
> changed to fit the venue and budget requirements. It's nothing too
> drastic -- I just don't want anyone to be taken by surprise if what we
> present to the list early next week isn't exactly what's in the
> planning document. I'd liked to have included more people in the
> discussions but given now quickly we're trying to get this off the
> ground, it's not really possible.
> I've drafted a letter to send to sponsors and we'll also be drafting a
> letter to send to potential big-name speakers. Expect a flurry of
> activity on these fronts early next week. Contacting sponsors and
> speakers is something that people on the list can potentially really
> help with -- if there's a company or speaker you can help us get hold
> of -- please shout.
> Speaking of speakers, obviously budget for flying international
> speakers here is going to be fairly limited, so we need some sort of
> decision making process that will allow us to okay this sort of
> expenditure. I think a small sub-committee (say three people) is
> sensible way to do this?
> Euan and Ruan: Could you given us an update on how the website is
> doing? I know you don't have all the final information yet but I'd
> like to get your thoughts on how soon after giving you a date and
> venue the site can go live and whether there's anything else blocking
> you?
> Schiavo
> Simon
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*Euan Jonker*

+27 83 400 2042
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