[Pycon-volunteers] Volunteering: Auction helper

রামি চৌধুরি rami.chowdhury at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 12:29:20 EDT 2019

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for volunteering! You and others like you are who make PyCon

Thanks for catching the error! If you’d like to help with cleanup, you
don’t need to arrive until a few minutes before the time slot of 9–9:30pm —
I’ve updated the text to reflect that.



On April 29, 2019 at 12:26:04, Mathieu Dugré (math.dugre at gmail.com) wrote:


I wanted to volunteer for auction helper (cleanup).

It says that we need to report to room 11 by 3pm however I'll be
volunteering as a Session Runner at that time.
Would there be any issue to report to the room (or elsewhere) before/after
my volunteering block (1:40-3:45)?

Thank you and have a nice day,
Mathieu Dugré
Pycon-volunteers mailing list
Pycon-volunteers at python.org
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