[Pycon-volunteers] PyCon 2017 - Tutorial Host Volunteer Information

Jamiel Almeida jamiel.almeida at gmail.com
Sun May 14 15:37:00 EDT 2017

Dear Volunteer -

We are less than one week away from the start of the PyCon 2017 tutorials.
You are receiving this message because you have signed up to volunteer as a
tutorial host on either May 17th and/or May 18th.

Below is a list of quick instructions for the day of:

   - one hour to thirty minutes before the tutorial begins, go to A103
   (staff office) to pick up a roster for the class you signed up for (we will
   have a master list in the room as well). The earlier the better because
   attendees tend to go into their tutorial rooms pretty early. If you arrive
   at your tutorial and there are people sitting, please ask to see their
   badge so you can check them off the list.
   - if you signed up to be a "far greeter": your role is to help people
   find their tutorial room.
   - if you signed up to a "near greeter": your role is to check people in
   against the list received from A103.* If there is only one volunteer per
   tutorial, please take the role of checking people in. *Once you have
   checked in the attendees, please leave the tutorial and bring the check in
   sheet back to room A103.
   - if the tutorial runs into any issues with AV, there is an AV staffer
   located in each room, please bring the situation to them. Other questions
   you may get:
   - "Can we get more power?" The answer is "no - what we ordered is all we
      could afford, please share what is available"
      - "When is break and when is lunch?" Breaks are in the lobby at 10:15am
      and 3pm. Lunch is in the Oregon Ballroom at 12:20pm.
   - if there are any issues outside of the above or an emergency please
   call Ewa 415 319 5237 <(415)%20319-5237> or go to room A103. If it is a
   serious medical emergency, please call 911 first.
   - if you signed up to be a lunch host, please come to the Oregon
   Ballroom 10 minutes before lunch. The main task is to make sure people have
   a badge. If they do not have a badge, they should not be allowed to enter
   the lunch room.
   - PyCon's code of conduct is available here: https://us.pycon.org/
   2017/about/code-of-conduct/. It also includes procedural instructions.

*If you have any questions before the conference, please email us
at pycon-volunteers at python.org <pycon-volunteers at python.org>. *

**Please note that the Oregon Convention Center requires us to use their
own badge checkers in the area, but they only make sure people are wearing
a badge and will not check names off a list.

Most importantly: Thank you so much for volunteering at PyCon. The time you
put in helps our attendees have a great experience at the conference. We
truly appreciate you taking the time to make PyCon 2017 the best PyCon yet!

Best regards,

Jamiel Almeida
Volunteer Coordinator
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