[Pycon-volunteers] [Pycon-staff] Volunteering

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Mon Feb 8 14:48:41 EST 2016

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your note.

The dates on the site are being fixed today - thanks for the heads up!
Please check back to the sign-ups later this week.

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Chris C via Pycon-staff <
pycon-staff at python.org> wrote:

> Hello Pycon Staff,
>    This will be my first Pycon and want to meet people in the community so
> thought I would jump in and volunteer.  Is it too early for volunteer
> signups?  I was looking at the Volunteering Onsite web page and the days of
> the week do not look right?  Maybe I'm not reading the page correctly or
> I'm just too early.  Please advise.  I live in Chicago but if there is any
> help I can provide prior to the conference, off-site, please advise also.
> Thanks,
> Chris Clifton
> chris9361 at yahoo.com
> 847-767-4209
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