[Pycon-volunteers] PyCon-Volunteer Mailing List Update

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Tue Oct 6 17:26:38 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Currently on this mailing list we have[1]:

   - Yarko and Rami, managing onsite volunteers
   - Paul, managing onsite swag volunteers
   - Julia and David, managing onsite session chairs
   - Me and Naomi to make sure questions get a response when necessary
   - Doug as an additional moderator just incase I go AWOL

I would prefer that no others be added to this list until you are all ready
to launch sign ups for onsite volunteers. Going forward, I will clear this
ML after every PyCon. I have put on the website/listinfo that onsite
volunteer signup will begin February 2016[2]. I have also put up this email
address on the website for those that may have questions before hand[3].

For those that are interested in *staff positions*, please have them email

[1]I sent more detail about this on pycon-staff yesterday:

[2] I have marked the intention of this mailing list on listinfo
[3]added our expected launch date & contact email on

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237
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