[Pycon-volunteers] Community!

Yarko Tymciurak yarkot1 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 21:44:56 CEST 2013

This from an old colleague who I brought to PyCon 2009, I think.   He's
since moved on to other pastures, and is now using Python in his day job.

*Hi Yarko,*
*I was so glad to catch up with you.  It was really nice to see you in what
I would dare call your natural habitat.  For all that I love about the
language I think equally amazing is the community of people behind it and
you made it so easy for me to see through to the core of it.*

To everyone in our community - thank you.   *Y**ou are both appreciated and
noticed*.   All who volunteer, the *leaders* who are - in spirit and in
action - *peers*, everyone willing to help their fellow colleagues when
they can.

The volunteers who asked "what else can I do?":

*Read today's schedule.  Know what's going on, and where.*
*Then, as you walk around, if you see someone who looks lost just offer,
"May I help?"*

It's a key part of our community - willing to help, not worrying when
someone can't (because there are so many around and willing).

And all the sprinters who delved into coding waters, perhaps unfamiliar -
keep on!

Looking forward to Montreal,
with kind regards,
PyCon 2013 Volunteer Coordinator
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