[Pycon-sprints] Notes from today's meeting and alias for mentors

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Tue Apr 18 12:50:08 EDT 2017

Hi all,

Below are the notes from today's call. Sorry if some are in such short form

To summarize: We will do the Intro to Sprints Workshop over two days.
Sunday evening for two hours for interactive lectures and Monday morning
for 1.5 hours for answering any questions and having sprinters practice
what they learned.

Alias for mentors to use:  sprint-mentors at python.org. They can sign up
here: https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/sprint-mentors

Notes from April 18, 2017 Call

   - Chalmer: Expand on what we have done the past two years
      - Chalmer thinks that there was a lack of:
      - Hands on during the sprints intro
      - There was no presentation for visual learners
      - Some people had prepped material but it was not in one place for
      people to access
   - Chalmer suggests starting with:
   - Walk through presentation and do hands on, repeat
   - Have mentors in the room to help answer questions
   - Give them an hour to 1.5 hours to practice the skills and ask as many
   questions as possible
   - 2 hours of interactive lectures and then 1.5 hours of practice
   - After they finish that, they have the take away and they have links to
   references to learn more
   - They tried it at PyOhio and then in Hawaii for the second time. They
   are trying it for the third time at a meet up in Hawaii
   - Virtual env, packages in your ve, GitHub, forking projects, copy onto
   hard drive, committed, pushed, troubleshooting, merge and pushing it back
   up, pull request, since lather and repeat
   - Asheesh: asked about material
   - Asheesh: small groups thing instead of one large group
   - Kushal: repo is good material, not too much info but has most relevant
   detail. Kushal is happy that it has been tried. Two major important points:
   it’s ok to walk out of a sprint and check out other sprints. Don’t be
   afraid to ask questions during the sprints.
   - Chalmer: third item to add to that: The sprint leader is there to help
   you so don’t feel shy to ask help from them
   - Chalmer: nuance for technical part: did not re-create documentation
   for everything and wanted to keep things small scale. Have pointers to
   learn more.
   - Ewa: logistical needs: tables for typing. Maybe move to open space
   room? How many mentors do we need?
   - Chalmer: what if we do it on Monday morning?
   - Kushal: Sprint leaders may start in the morning and some people only
   stay for one day
   - Chalmer: half of the workshop on Sunday and half of it on Monday.
   - Ewa: good idea
   - Asheesh: good idea. We will have monitors available on Sunday but less
   so on Monday because mentors will be working on sprints.
   - Group decision to split between two days
   - Chalmer: how do we get mentors? Blog/tweets? Request that we want them
   there for both parts (Sunday and Monday).
   - Chalmer will create google form. Kushal will add it to his blog. Will
   get blog updated by EOD US time. Anything else we need to add?
   - Chalmer: Kushal to add link to GitHub in blog post
   - Ewa: to get space for both parts ironed out
   - Chalmer: alias for mentors so we can send out updates?
   - Ewa: ML?
   - Chalmer: Separate ML for mentors, Ewa to create.
   - Kushal: we can ping local python folks with blog?
   - Asheesh: taking on table duty Monday and Tuesday
   - Kushal: helping table duty on Monday
   - Sprint Ambassador stickers again this year? Asheesh asks what was the
   value of this in 2016? Chalmer says it was announced at the intro workshop.

   - Chalmer: we will be adding more pictures to the material to help
   people visualize.

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237
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