[Pycon-openspaces] Fwd: Projector for open space event?

Brandon Rhodes pycon.brandon at gmail.com
Wed May 17 12:59:14 EDT 2017

Thanks for bringing this up, Anna — it's an interesting question! I wonder
if these will be 1-hour events, or several-hour? Zulip is an open source
project, so I have no problem in principle with their using the space, but
it sounds definitely not like an open space and more like a pre-planned
event using the space. We might just have to watch and learn this year to
see how it goes, and then have policy in place for next year? We can be
watching the board very closely to see how much time they try to reserve,
and if it's more than an hour block then we can talk to them about whether
any alternatives would be possible, maybe?

On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> We received the email below. I responded to his question regarding
> projectors but the fact that they are planning to organize sponsor
> workshops as part of the open spaces caught my eye. I wonder if that is
> something we would want to restrict? I don’t mind open spaces on certain
> products/hosted by employees of companies highlighting products as long as
> it’s in moderation but workshops are a different dimension and I wouldn’t
> want for them to block off an open spaces room for several hours to host
> workshops.
> Thoughts?
> Thank you :)
> Anna
> ---------------------------------
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> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Rishi Gupta <rishig at zulipchat.com>
> *Subject: **[Pycon-openspaces] Projector for open space event?*
> *Date: *May 17, 2017 at 12:28:07 AM PDT
> *To: *pycon-openspaces at python.org
> Hi!
> We (Zulip) are planning on running a few workshops for new and existing
> contributors to Zulip; e.g. how to get started contributing to Zulip, and
> an overview of Zulip's technical architecture. It would help a lot to have
> access to a projector set-up. Is there any chance there is an open space
> with a projector?
> We're expecting ~20 people to attend from the existing Zulip community,
> and hopefully many more who we don't already know :).
> Thank you!
> Rishi
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Brandon Rhodes
PyCon 2017 Conference Chair
pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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