[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces blog post

Anna Ossowski annabell.ossowski at gmail.com
Tue May 2 00:17:50 EDT 2017

Hello Brandon!

I am currently still visiting friends in Nebraska and super busy. I had something come up and decided to extend my trip to help out a friend here. Next week I will be at OSCON all week. I won’t have time to take a look at the blog post until the weekend of May 13 at the earliest. The blog post was good to go on my end, I just thought we needed to add one sentence about the hashtag and the bot. Once that has been added, it is good to go as far as I’m concerned. Also agree with Ewa about the blog post going out closer to the conference. May 13/14 is a weekend though and people don’t check social media as much on the weekends so maybe either May 12 or May 15?

Hobson and/or Trey, could one of you please take a look at the blog post and give the final go? I appreciate your help during my absence.

Warm regards,

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> On May 1, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Ewa Jodlowska <ewa at python.org <mailto:ewa at python.org>> wrote:
> IMO, it should go out closer to the conference. May 13th or May 14th even.
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 7:33 PM, Brandon Rhodes <pycon.brandon at gmail.com <mailto:pycon.brandon at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de <mailto:ossanna16 at gmx.de>> wrote:
> Hi all! Thank you for the great work! I currently don’t have time to catch up with the conversation but I’ll do so when I’m back next week.
> +1 on the blog post text. Thank you, Zak! Thank you for snagging those two Twitter handles. …
> Anna, at this point do I need to be waiting for you to catch up, or is the blog post text pretty much ready to go at this point? When you think it's ready, please visit the blog https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=11638628 <https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=11638628> and create a new draft post and paste the text in, so that you get properly credited as the author. Let me know once it's up, and I'll do a final proofread and get it ready for release!
> When should this go out? This week? Or next week, when it's even closer to the conference? Which would have the most impact, do you think?
> -- 
> Brandon Rhodes
> PyCon 2017 Conference Chair
> pycon.brandon at gmail.com <mailto:pycon.brandon at gmail.com>

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