[Pycon-openspaces] PyCon US 2016 Open Spaces

Hobson Lane hobsonlane at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:47:58 EDT 2016

Sounds great! Will be there.

(503) 974-6274
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On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello Kinga and Hobson,
> Thanks for all your hard work! Let’s not worry about finding more email
> addresses, I think we’re fine :)
> How about we meet in front of the staff room, which is room C125, at 5pm,
> on Sunday, May 30, for a short Open Spaces team meeting (not more than 30
> minutes)?
> If that time doesn’t work for one of you, please let me know and we’ll
> figure out something else.
> See you soon!
> Anna
> ---------------------------------
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
> Am 26.05.2016 um 20:08 schrieb Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com>:
> Unfortunately the only news is that I added 5 more e-mails to the list.
> These need e-mails sent (X in the spreadsheet column "Not Sent"). The
> others have already been sent by Anna. I randomly scraped [this site](
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/LocalUserGroups#California) that Anna found.
> I checked Colorado, Georgia, California, Hawaii, Florida, Illinois, and
> Arkansas and many links were broken or didn't lead to e-mail addresses. If
> you have time to find a few more orgs outside the US, that might fill some
> gaps in my research, especially if you found groups unlikely to have much
> experience attending PyCon.
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