[Pycon-openspaces] List of topics for the website

Brandon Rhodes pycon.brandon at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 08:57:10 EDT 2016

Yes, thank you, Kinga!

I agree, Anna, that childcare, Portland tours, and a quiet space are not a
good fit and could be usefully removed from the list. Most people retreat
to their hotels for quiet; there will additionally be seating areas in the
venue where people can sit with laptops; and one of the big round tables
out in the public area could be used for coordinating visits to Portland

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Thank you Kinga for compiling this list!
> If no one has to add anything to it we can add it to the PyCon website
> next week.
> I think child care and quiet rooms are important but they don’t fit into
> the scope of the open spaces. There will be child care at PyCon. I’m not
> sure if there will be something like a quiet room but it would be a good
> idea to have one. i’m just not sure that blocking an open spaces room for 3
> days to use it as a quiet room is the best idea. There will also most
> likely be something like an „explore Portland“ program so I’m not sure if
> an open space like that would be necessary or make a whole lot of sense but
> I don’t have anything against it.
> Warm regards,
> Anna
> Am 30.03.2016 um 11:04 schrieb Kinga Kięczkowska <k.kieczkowska at gmail.com
> >:
> Hello everyone,
> I compiled a list of ideas for open spaces topics, based on what we
> already had, what was done last year, and what people suggested on Twitter.
> You can find it in this document:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C38lRU7zlZ2pgnGcP0w6bRGU8kD8JspA6fE-reO9Nk0/edit?usp=sharing
> If you have any suggestions / more ideas, please feel free to contribute.
> I'd also love your feedback on the childcare and quiet rooms, and the space
> for people to organise tours of Portland - would we want something like
> that?
> Cheers,
> Kinga
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Brandon Rhodes
PyCon 2016 Conference Chair
pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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